Monday, October 1, 2007

A Sweet Message of Love from Angie M.

My Sista,

Bonded together by our parallel pasts, the common threads of recovery, and the love of this ride called life.

I'm deeply honored to have shared with you -the bitter tears of pain, the burning heartache of sorrow, the seemingly endless struggle of self discovery, and the Joys, the Thrills, the Excitement, and gut splittin' lafter of coming through it all !!
Watching as you find that renewed spirituality has been a gift of the highest order for me! Laffing in uncontrollable hysteria is our M.O. !! Always the best when it was about our own foolish acts, like when you "just FELL OUT !!". of your Handidart and sprained your ankle.....

You sent me on my journey.
Now I send you off, with all my love.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be at your face,
May the sun shine warm upon you.
And....until we meet again my sister,
May God keep you, and hold you in her ever-lovin' arms.


All my love,

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