Friday, October 12, 2007

A Message of Love from Barb Shelton

Mary Anne was my stepmother, but she always made me feel like one of her own. She loved and treated me like a daughter, always making sure I knew that I was part of the family. Spoiling me on holidays, giving me advice, and always helping me any way she could. I know that everyone she was close to felt like her family, even if they were not related. Her home was always open and welcoming for those amazing dinners. Thats just who she was. I will miss her so much, but will always be inspired by her memory to try to be as warm, compassionate and fun-loving as her. I feel so fortunate for the time I had with her, and thank my sisters Amy and Ginger for sharing their mom with me.


Monday, October 8, 2007

A message from MaryAnne's niece's Leah and Lindsay

Aunt Maryanne was our great aunt. She was lots of fun. Leah and Lindsay Jardine.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Tribute to MaryAnne from her Sister Linda

"God saw you getting tired,
When a cure was not to be,
So he closed His arms around you,
And whispered "Come to Me"
Your golden heart stopped beating,
Your gentle hands at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best,
In tears we saw you sinking,
We watched you fade away,
Our hearts were almost broken,
you fought so hard to stay,
But when we saw you sleeping
Peacefully and free from pain,
We could not wish you back,
To suffer that again,
So keep your arms around her Lord
And give her special care
Make up for all she suffered
That seemed to us unfair,
So many times we need her
So many times we cried
If love could have saved her
She never would have died."

MaryAnne was always there for me especially after my son passed away. I miss all her spirtual e-mails seeing me through the rough times. She will always be my baby sister and I love and miss her very much.

Love you MaryAnne
Your sister Linda

A cherished photo from Mary Anne's sister Linda

This is a picture of MaryAnne when she was 10. When she came down September 2007 for Derek's memorial in Calgary I showed her this picture and tagged her "Olive Oil".

Friday, October 5, 2007

'The Biker Angel' An amazing story from Anne Marie

I had a truly incredible experience on the way home from Mary Anne's service on Wednesday.

During the service, we all listened to the wonderful things said and waited to see the eagle arrive that we knew would be Mary Anne's spirit come to join us in her Celebration of Life. We were not disappointed. An eagle came and perched on the pole in the lake in front of the window. We all saw it and gave thanks.

After the service, Boomer and I left the Pavilion on our motorcycles together. We stopped for the red light at the intersection of Sprott and Kensington. We waved at the occupants of the Barracuda in front of us, revving our engines loudly for Mary Anne. Boomer was turning left, heading for Highway 1 East and home. I decided to head straight down Sprott to Highway 1 West and to the ferry terminal, also on my way home. The light turned green. We saluted each other, bumped knuckles and headed off.

At the same instant as I entered the intersection, a black 5 ton truck pulled up to the red light and proceeded to turn right without stopping - right into my lane as I was accelerating. There was nothing I could do, the road was wet and I could not hit the brakes without losing control. Right at that moment, the driver of the truck looked and saw me. He had a horrified look on his face and he knew he was going to hit me.

Dare I say that Mary Anne took over the bike and rode me past this fellow's bumper with no problem? Did she take control of his truck and stop it before it could hit me? Did she place her spirit in between our two vehicles and buffer them past each other? I don't know.

What I do know is that as I turned off Sprott and onto the Highway, an eagle was flying in a direct line in front of me.

It could only have been Mary Anne.

Anne Marie

Thursday, October 4, 2007

MaryAnne's Celebration of Life Ceremony yesterday was a profound spiritual journey for us all. The amount of Love and Respect she generated is absolutely incredible. MaryAnne, more than any soul I have ever known, had (and will always have) an uncanny ability to reach out and touch people with heart and with honesty, as she reached out to us all yesterday in the form of an eagle, who came to watch over us all, until the last guest had left. She is one of the most special people any of us will ever have the honour to know, and we all have a great gift to hold and cherish forever. We Love you MaryAnne, forever.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mary Anne dancing the night away....

A Message of Love from Mary Anne's Sister Patsy

I am Maryanne's oldest sister, Patsy. This is her stirring fudge. She wanted to make it just like mom used to. The trick was beating it like "heck" but I think the fudge was winning. By the way-it never did harden! She nicknamed us the "Five YaYa Sisters". What a character! We were site-seeing near the mountains and stopped the car so she could pose like a hitch-hiker --in the snow.--dressed summery. That week is a very special week. We were miles apart but we still connected.
I am so happy she has so many wonderful friends. She spoke of you all often. I will surely miss her.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The World's Greatest Gang of Wonderful Ladies!

Mary Anne, Betty, Angie, Heather and Wilson, Suzanne, and Jacquelin, the whole gang on their zip trekking adventure in Whistler

Monday, October 1, 2007

One beautiful lady on a hot bike........

Sent by Mary Anne's Sister Linda

Joan C. and Mary Anne December 18, 2005

A Song for Mary Anne

Anne Marie sent along a link to a song
and she would like to dedicate it to MaryAnne and
everyone that loved her.

Anne Marie says: "After last night's (Sober Rider Sept 30th)
meeting, I am sure everyone will appreciate it."

With Love from Anne Marie


"Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other"
Author Unknown

I will always remember our vacation in Calgary in 2005 with all 5 sisters together on a holiday for the first time - little did we know it would be our last. I treasure that week we spent with Mary Anne - she enjoyed life to the fullest - she also enjoyed her deserts!

Mary Anne, every time I wear the jackets that you gave me, I will feel the warmth of your love wrapped around me

- Love you little sister!


Derby Reach, July 1, 2007.

A Sweet Message of Love from Angie M.

My Sista,

Bonded together by our parallel pasts, the common threads of recovery, and the love of this ride called life.

I'm deeply honored to have shared with you -the bitter tears of pain, the burning heartache of sorrow, the seemingly endless struggle of self discovery, and the Joys, the Thrills, the Excitement, and gut splittin' lafter of coming through it all !!
Watching as you find that renewed spirituality has been a gift of the highest order for me! Laffing in uncontrollable hysteria is our M.O. !! Always the best when it was about our own foolish acts, like when you "just FELL OUT !!". of your Handidart and sprained your ankle.....

You sent me on my journey.
Now I send you off, with all my love.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be at your face,
May the sun shine warm upon you.
And....until we meet again my sister,
May God keep you, and hold you in her ever-lovin' arms.


All my love,

'Cover Girls - Beautiful Bikers Mary Anne and Annie'

Mary Anne and Annie graced the cover of the first ever issue of Sister Cycle, with their amazing smiles and gorgeous Harleys. What better way to describe the true spirit of motorcycle riding? Ride on sisters, ride on, ride on!

Mary Anne Forever and Ever

Thank you Mary Anne, for being my friend, for making my day better, for the hug that always held me even when you were somewhere else. Your inspiration and support over the years will never be forgotten. I know I have been blessed to have known and shared life with you. Though you’ve had your own mountains to climb you’ve been there to help others climb theirs. The enthusiasm and positive attitude, with which you embraced each day, even if it wasn’t always such a good day, is a constant reminder that ‘you take one day at a time’ and make the most out of that day. Taken from us far too soon, I will always cherish the times I have known with you and will carry you and your beautiful smile in my heart forever and ever.

‘Til we meet again, know that your are always loved

– Susan Barber